Friday, January 15, 2010

toric lens growth

According to Robert S Weiss, president and chief executive officer of The Coopervision, the contact lens market will increase 3 to 5 percent in year of 2010.

At the end of October 31, Weiss said: 'Our new products are driving our growth, our emerging silicone hydrogel portfolio is delivering for the quarter. We had $40m in silicone hydrogel revenue, up 117 per cent versus the prior year.' Weiss also disclosed that CooperVision's Proclear family of products 'put up some solid numbers at $70m in the quarter', an increase of 14 per cent on the same period last year."

Because the contact lens has a lot of types, for example toric lens,multifocal lens,monthly lens. And a lot of people wear daily contact lens for cosmetic purpose. Contact lens become the one of the most popular thing for people.

3-5 percent increasing is not the higher increasing.

In 2010 it would expand its Biofinity brand by launching a Biofinity multifocal and grow the Avaira brand, by adding a toric.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Affordability of Contact Lens

he growing number of people feel shy away from choosing the contact lenses because some of them think that they cannot buy such a expensive luxury. It is possible to make the monthly lenses affordable by many contact lens firms. So the many disposable contact lens firms provide the discounts for the customers by promotion. Other producers provide the cheap contact lens through the internet marketing which can save the sales cost, making more people can buy the contact lens.

The most of customer like to take care the quality of the contact lens, because of the importance part of the adapting the process. Customers should know their target, improving the social relationship by not choosing the glasses.

When the customers buy the multifocal lenses ,they should consider the money, they would choose the contact lens is cheaper in the market selling for the different color for different people with different eyes. They understand they can get the benefit from the contact lens, such as more beautiful eyes and more comfortable. So the firms should think the environment according to the customers with different eye color could provide a better affordable choice changing their face.

But number of people follows the rules for toric lens choice before they consider the contact lens affordability. There are some hazards in the firms that they should meet the bad selection when they buy and wear the contact lens.